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Friday 29 November 2013

Gold Halfmoon Betta Female

This Gold HM female made me proud by achieving 2nd place in last week's Aquafair Betta Competition (IBC), which also happened to be the largest betta show ever to be held in Malaysia.

She won 2nd place in Solid Color HM/DT Female Class. Thought I'd share the joy. :D

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Saturday 16 November 2013

Gold Double-Tail Halfmoon Male

Hi all, here's a half-decent gold DTHM male from me. The form & finnage on this piece is pretty poor, but currently I think this could be the best DTHM that I've produced thus far. I said I think, because for past DTHMs I never really took care of the water/timing of jarring and their fins were pretty horrid ... :S  Maybe in the future, there will be nicer DTHMs popping out from this line.

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Sunday 3 November 2013

A recent Gold Halfmoon Male

Allow me to share a recent Gold HM male from my line that I've been working on for around 2.5 years now. Finally seeing some improvement in overall balance and anal shape, something still very rare in gold HM lines that I've seen around. Of course there are positives on this fish, but negatives are there as well. It is always challenging to juggle the development of all traits (form/finnage/balance & color/intensity), and hope that there will be further improvement in the future. Wish me luck!

I just entered him in a local show, and he achieved 3rd Place in the Light Metallic Halfmoon Class. Not bad huh? :) He has just been sold to a local betta enthusiast.

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