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Friday 18 February 2022

Update: Red Halfmoon Spawn Log - First Selected Male

Hi friends! Would like to start sharing some updates of the final spawn logging phase from my Red Halfmoon spawn... I have chosen a few individuals (males & females) that I consider decent quality. So, in this spawn log phase, I plan to share the selected pieces one by one with some commentary about their quality. The first one I am sharing is a male. Like all his other brothers, ray branching is heavy. 😔 Throughout the spawn, the undesirable iridescent and black pigmentation is clearly visible, and in this fish there is no exception. 🙁 Also, the red pigmentation on this male is less intense and relatively poor for the red class. However despite his shortcomings, I do consider him one of the best specimens produced from this spawn due to his form & finnage (nice shapes & volume on every fin, decent body shape, fin-to-fin balance & "skyhawk" dorsal). Hope you all enjoy following this spawn log so far, which is still in the early stage of Red Halfmoon line development..

More information about the spawn log: http://bettamas.blogspot.com/2021/10/red-halfmoon-cross-spawn-log.html
October 2021 update: http://bettamas.blogspot.com/2021/10/update-red-halfmoon-spawn-log.html
January 2022 update: http://bettamas.blogspot.com/2022/01/4-january-2022-update-red-hm-spawn-log.html