I've been working on producing quality Gold HMs for quite some time now (1.5 years). Wasn't that easy and straightforward. I couldn't get any quality gold females as I could not find a breeder who would release any, so I sorta have to start from scratch. The whole project was also quite time consuming as well, for I took time to observe from my own fishes and results to understand gold genetics better. Several lines have been created, some discontinued, and many pieces were involved as breeders.
At last I started to see some decent results in this batch (tho its still a long journey towards achieving top-class gold halfmoons). As I intend not to display nor sell any pieces from this batch, I let the fish grow in the growout tank and they were jarred pretty late. As a result of that, the males have bent rays and uneven color/metalllic shine at the fin edges. However, I'm not really too concerned about this, as it will not effect the genetic of the males if used as breeders. Been chatting with a fellow hobbyist who requested to see some of my latest results from my Gold HM line. So, I indentified a breeder piece and snapped away:
click pic to view higher resolution
Such a perfect fish hope I can get one!!